Mirror mirror on the wall; who’s the best jobseeker of them all?

black_mirrorLooking for work can be a full time job in itself and it’s hard to know if you’re doing it well.

Sure, when you get call backs and interviews you have a general indication of how you’re going in the m

arket, but what happens when you’re in a candidate rich, job poor market?

We have prepared a self-audit checklist to help you employ the right tactics for a successful job hunt.

  • Are you keeping a routine? It is important to maintain a good routine while you’re looking for work. Get active and start looking for new opportunities by registering with job boards to receive daily updates. Don’t get into the habit of procrastinating, ensure you check your updates regularly and apply for any suitable positions. It is also equally important to ensure you’re keeping track of what you’re applying for. Having a routine will keep you focused and help you maintain positive.
  • Do you have a good online presence? Your online presence in today’s market is an important part of the job search process as many organisations are using LinkedIn and other social media sites to find and research potential new employees. Make sure that you set your social media settings to private before sending out those applications. LinkedIn is also a great way to not only network but also sell yourself as a potential employee, so set yourself up with an account if you don’t already have one and ensure you complete your profile to reflect what is indicted on your resume.
  • How well are you networking? It’s sometimes not what you know, but who you know. Networking is a great way to market yourself and open the door for new opportunities. Most jobs these days are found through some form of networking, whether it be through LinkedIn connections and postings or possibly past connections.
  • Are you up to date? Make sure you know what is happening in your industry and if there are any legislative changes. Don’t make the mistake of letting yourself fall behind in what’s happening, instead make this your opportunity to get ahead of other potential candidates. Consider completing new courses or reading up on your industry, this is sure to pay off in the interview.
  • Are you taking regular breaks? While it can be said that looking for work is a full-time job in itself, don’t let yourself burn out. Job hunting can be draining, so ensure you take breaks and leave yourself time on the weekend to relax, refresh and stay positive. It has been revealed that staying positive will increase your chances of getting a role, so don’t skip the breaks!
Mirror mirror on the wall; who’s the best jobseeker of them all?
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